
Name: Taiga
Nick name: Unknow
Gender: female
Age: unknow

Eye color: green
Family: unknow
Pack: unknow
Rank: none
Zaragian guard: no
Marked/trained guard: no

Information: Information about Taiga is unknow

Name idea: my friend's dog^^


Name: Ogden
Nick name: no
Gender: male
Age: unknow 

Eye color: yellow
Family: unknow
Pack: his own
Rank: alpha and police officer
Zaragian guard: no
Marked/trained guard: no 

Information: Ogden is a cruel and bad wolf. He is a police officer, and mad after to kill all the Zaragian guards. He dosent like new things, he hates changes. He walk around in the land and check all the packs if they have a strange member. if he find one he thinks is a guard, he kills her or him. He is also very big.

Name idea: it comes from a credit after a game, it was there i got his name